31 October 2008
Stocking Hung By the Chimney With Care
This year I'm making Steven and myself family stockings to start our own tradition. For mine I've drawn inspiration from a stocking at work that has ruffles on the front. I got some fun quilting fabrics to make my ruffles out of. I think it's going to be pretty precious. I'm going to give Steven some felt and beaded snowflakes I think. His vote was for something from Portal his favorite video game right now. I've vetoed that.
30 October 2008
Long Story and DON'T panic
The other night I was trying on dresses to go with some new boots I got. I threw on one of my old "fat" dresses. It was so...maternity...shall we say.
Steven: That totally doesn't fit you. It's so huge I don't even think it would fit if you were pregnant.
Me: Let's see! (stuffs pillow down her pants)
Instead of running away screaming, my perfect boyfriend grabbed the camera, snapped a shot, and demanded that I blog about it.
I think it suits me, really.
I woke up a few days ago with a desire to have a Buddha ornament. I don't do many things traditionally and that includes my yuletide. I love laughing Buddhas. How can you have a bad day when a fat happy man is grinning at you? If they're cute and inexpensive chances are they will come home with me. Surprisingly, Buddha ornaments do exist but they are expensive. So I decided I should just make one.
He has some bangin' earlobes, huh? A friend of mine just got his ears gauged and I can't help but wonder...will he have Buddha ears when he's 80?
29 October 2008
The Winter Slumps
I want to travel so bad lately! Can I get on a plane and fly to some exotic location? I've had London on the brain for a few days. I've been wishing I was back there. I feel pretty boring lately. Nothing has changed much in my life and nothing exciting happens anymore. Tres boring. I've got the beginnings of the winter slumps I think.
I got thinking about the Arctic Monkeys today and I was remembering when I discovered them from their advertisements in the tube stations of London. I've been craving some new music lately. Basically the theme of my life right now is let's spice things up a wee bit, eh? Cause either I've gotten boring or no good media has been created in like the last year. That's a global epidemic then.
That's where you lovely and diverse folks come in. If you would be so kind as to recommend some movies I have to see, some music I have to listen to, and some books I have to read.
I greatly appreciate it. Won't you save my culture-soul?
I got thinking about the Arctic Monkeys today and I was remembering when I discovered them from their advertisements in the tube stations of London. I've been craving some new music lately. Basically the theme of my life right now is let's spice things up a wee bit, eh? Cause either I've gotten boring or no good media has been created in like the last year. That's a global epidemic then.
That's where you lovely and diverse folks come in. If you would be so kind as to recommend some movies I have to see, some music I have to listen to, and some books I have to read.
I greatly appreciate it. Won't you save my culture-soul?
28 October 2008
Sneetches on the Beaches
27 October 2008
26 October 2008
Polkadotted Tree Skirt
I've been on the hunt for a tree skirt after last year when I used a bunched up red tablecloth. It was so Charlie Brown's Christmas. Yesterday I was in Kmart and I came across this beaut! $19.99, Martha Stewart Festive Confections. Pure, polkadotted love.
The whole Festive Confections Collection is adorable with little teacup, bunt cake, Tiffany blue, and candied ornaments. There are also balls that match the skirt so Amanda might be going back to Kmart later for those...
25 October 2008
Weekly Peace
Pickled Presents

Step 1- Get yourself a pickle ornament
Step 2- When you are trimming the tree put this baby on last and make sure to hide it
Step 3- The person who finds it gets an extra present come the morning of December 25th.
Inside A Black Apple Prints

And I sure wouldn't mind having this hedgehog print either.

It's so cute it hurts a little. Holiday gift?
20 October 2008
Pumpkin Carving
I'm throwing around the idea of doing an Obama pumpkin carving this year. Even if I don't end up doing it, I found some great pumpkin carving templates for both sides of the fence at Associated Press.
Check them out!
Check them out!
Maybe we do become our parents?
Something my dad has done for as long as I can remember is sleep in a wool hat in the winter because he is bald and his head gets cold in the night.
Now, I'm a stubborn, broke college kid who doesn't want to fork over any more money than she has to on utilities. And I find myself sitting under the covers in thermals with a hat on that I intend to sleep in.
Now, I'm a stubborn, broke college kid who doesn't want to fork over any more money than she has to on utilities. And I find myself sitting under the covers in thermals with a hat on that I intend to sleep in.
19 October 2008
I hate the Cold Cold Times
This weekend has been in the low 50's...so you know Amanda is super cold. However, it is a great time to do a Pashmina montage to tribute my faithful friend--the trendy scarf that isn't quite yet the frozen tundra wool scarf. Enjoy! And btw- that's a Pier 1 pashmina and we are getting them back in for the Holidays in a few weeks...stop by love doves.

This is True:

more animals
Heck my cat is bad when I'm watching. This morning we reached a very low point, and I would like to vent about it. First, this was the first morning I've been able to sleep in in 3 months. I've been running on less than adequate sleep since school started. I also needed to sleep because I'm working the really late shift at work tonight. So 7am rolls around and until 9:30 when he had finally made me mad enough to get up he had: knocked over every trashcan in the house, spread the trash to different rooms, knocked over the daisies on my desk, knocked over the pictures in my room, scratched up my bed, licked my face, jumped on me, spilled litter everywhere in the bathroom, climbed on the table, etc. What is that bad cat doing now? Sleeping! I think I'll go wake him up.
He doesn't react to punishment. He actually likes water. You can spray him right in the face while he's on the table until the table and surrounding carpet are drenched! I've never had such a bad, bad cat. I'm at my wit's end. We're thinking about bringing Penelope(Steven's older cat) down to Blacksburg to give him someone to play with who can train him into a good cat. Cause Penelope doesn't take any crap from canine, feline, or human.
18 October 2008
Oh Great Pumpkin!
I finally got to go to the pumpkin patch! I took Steven and his parents (who are so freaking amazing...I mean I love everything about Steven and that includes his incredibly cute family). Again, I'm sorry the pictures turned out grainy. Apparently I needed the flash on because it was overcast even though my camera was giving me the green go-ahead for light. Grr... Lesson learned: always take extra batteries. My camera died before the petting zoo portion of the trip. Steven's dad got a lot of pictures so I'll post them when they send them to me they are sure to be amazing because he has a professional grade camera... gimmie.
And yes, that is a picture of me "milking" a fake cow... I was the only one with the guts. Laughs.
14 October 2008

We all know I've been obsessed with names since I was a kid, but it has been super bad lately since I know 3 people with buns in the oven. I've even loaned out my babybook, sad times. So I thought I'd put my favorite names out there for judgement.
Sophie- means wisdom so it's a way to pass my last name along covertly. Plus my best friend since I was in the 2nd grade is named Sonja and her name comes from the same Greek origin. And I just finished Tom Jones and the heroine is named Sophia and she is super fabulous!
Iris- I'm a sucker for flower names. Just a down right sucker. This is also from Greek mythology. I'm a sucker for that too.
Magdalena- Lena is an old family name on my Mom's side. Basically it's the only cool name I've got to work with. My first babysitter/sweetest lady ever was named Magdalene. And I like Magda on its own too.
Ainsley- pronounced "Anneslee." Oddly, I had a friend named this when I was like 2, but I threw this name out there for my friend Amy and I was like...you know...that's a precious name.
Daphne- also a name I threw out there for Amy. I love the classical names. I still want Ames to uses this name though. It's the best so far.
Antigone- Every one thinks I'm nuts for liking this name. And everyone says that everyone will just think of the agony of Freshman English. Ok... but I do like my English. However I love what it means: Against the previous generation. I love that meaning. Got to instill that rebellious spirit early. ;)
Jane- As in Jane Austen. I really like the combo of Penelope Jane (that's what I secretly call Steven's cat) cause then it's like Penny Lane only Penny Jane...got to get a Beatles tribute in there somehow...laughs.
Levin- the only name Steven has actually liked so far. I tend to throw names at him a lot. Bad habit of mine. It's originally from Anna Karenina the novel by Tolstoy. Levin was my favorite character because he was hardworking, trustworthy, and ethical and valued all types of people.
Bennet- as in the Bennet family in Pride and Prejudice and as in Elizabeth Bennet.
Morris- it's a family name on my dad's side (great-grandfather). It's also my brother's middle name. Dad would get a huge kick out of it. In fact, I think it would probably cause the 3rd time I've ever seen my dad cry. Ever.
Basically: I'm a dork-face.
13 October 2008
Fall Sunset
When I saw the sky tonight I grabbed my camera and ran outside to snap some pictures. I needed my tripod! Sorry they turned out kind of fuzzy; the low light needed a longer shutter speed and that would have required me to get out my tripod and do things manually and by the time I did that I would have missed it. Maybe another night I'll plan for it. I got some cool silhouettes of the trees though.
Anyways, like all things, it reminded me of a sonnet by Shakespeare. Number 73 to be exact:
That time of year thou mayst in me behold |
When yellow leaves, or none, or few, do hang |
Upon those boughs which shake against the cold, |
Bare ruin'd choirs, where late the sweet birds sang. |
In me thou seest the twilight of such day |
As after sunset fadeth in the west, |
Which by and by black night doth take away, |
Death's second self, that seals up all in rest. |
In me thou see'st the glowing of such fire |
That on the ashes of his youth doth lie, |
As the death-bed whereon it must expire |
Consumed with that which it was nourish'd by. |
This thou perceivest, which makes thy love more strong, |
To love that well which thou must leave ere long. |
12 October 2008
Target has Holiday cards printed on recycled paper with soy inks! They're cute and the same price as their less eco-friendly counterparts. Jump on that people!
Needless-to-say, I got my Christmas cards today...
I know a lot of you have moved with-in the last year so message/e-mail me those new addresses!
Needless-to-say, I got my Christmas cards today...
I know a lot of you have moved with-in the last year so message/e-mail me those new addresses!
The Pencil Case
The Big O
11 October 2008
Weekly Peace
Inside A Black Apple
Since my blog isn't moving much these days I wanted to pass along a new blog I've started following.
My sister (who loves to make things as much as I do. Check out her Etsy!) turned me on to Inside A Black Apple and I'm completely obsessed now. This stylish lady is just adorable! She makes dolls and paints gorgeous pictures that have a somewhat morbid twist that I love. She sells her stuff on Etsy and prints of her paintings are actually decently priced! When I move I'm definitely hitting that up.
(oh and I made a pencil case yesterday that I promise to put up pictures of. Cross my heart.)
My sister (who loves to make things as much as I do. Check out her Etsy!) turned me on to Inside A Black Apple and I'm completely obsessed now. This stylish lady is just adorable! She makes dolls and paints gorgeous pictures that have a somewhat morbid twist that I love. She sells her stuff on Etsy and prints of her paintings are actually decently priced! When I move I'm definitely hitting that up.
(oh and I made a pencil case yesterday that I promise to put up pictures of. Cross my heart.)
Study Folks
Update: So all my studying paid off. I got an A- on my Technical Editing grammar exam. I proved to myself that I can do it and I hope this will lead to a fabulous job editing something. I genuine enjoy it because I am a dork.
I'm ahead on my paper for my Novel class. Yays.
Sorry that I've dropped off the planet for a bit. I've got blog plans in the works. Such as next weekend I plan to get a tattoo and go to the pumpkin patch. So! Lots will be coming up. So don't get bored and run away.
Life just takes over for a while.
I'm ahead on my paper for my Novel class. Yays.
Sorry that I've dropped off the planet for a bit. I've got blog plans in the works. Such as next weekend I plan to get a tattoo and go to the pumpkin patch. So! Lots will be coming up. So don't get bored and run away.
Life just takes over for a while.
08 October 2008
Hilarity of Relationships!
So the most hilarious thing happened while Steven and I were watching The Dead Poet Society (one of my faves).
I called Oliver a little stink-butt.
Steven turns to me and says, "who's a little stink-butt?"
Then he grabs me-- twists me into a ball-- and tries to tickle me and then...
I farted.
I'm still laughing-out-loud.
I called Oliver a little stink-butt.
Steven turns to me and says, "who's a little stink-butt?"
Then he grabs me-- twists me into a ball-- and tries to tickle me and then...
I farted.
I'm still laughing-out-loud.

I haven't mentioned this, but I'm growing out my hair. Big news, I know. Mostly it's because I can't afford haircuts anymore. Sad times we live in. Maybe I'll ask Steven for a haircut for the yuletide, laughs.
Anyways, it has reached a length when it just curls up at my ears even if I don't put my hair behind my ears! It looks afflicted with some anti-gravity component. Yeah, you guessed it, it's driving me nuts! I know I just need to let it grow and get some weight to hold it down...but this is normally when I reach the point of "o-m-g-I-need-to-cut-my-hair!"
I try to cover up the fact that I have wavy hair. The waves start right after my ears, obviously. I normally keep it shorter so I don't have to deal with all that drama. So we will see how this goes... I'm determined to try something new. Determined I tell you!
07 October 2008
I am so ready for Christmas!
I really want to get my shopping done. Next paycheck I just might have to go out and spend it on the people I love.
I want to know everyone's plan for the holidays and what are your favorite jingles of the season?
One of mine is Happy Xmas (War is Over) by John Lennon.
If you've never heard it or want to listen to it again, check it out:
I really want to get my shopping done. Next paycheck I just might have to go out and spend it on the people I love.
I want to know everyone's plan for the holidays and what are your favorite jingles of the season?
One of mine is Happy Xmas (War is Over) by John Lennon.
If you've never heard it or want to listen to it again, check it out:
One Thing I hate:
Back zits. They are always so big and painful. Thanks to the stress of this week, mostly today and my killer Technical Editing test, I've got a big honker of one.
I hate stress too.
I hate stress too.
06 October 2008
I just had a very post-modernist thought. I've been spending almost all of my weekend studying for my Technical Editing exam. I started thinking about what would happen if I failed. And if I fail tomorrow and still spent the whole week studying, couldn't I have just had a pleasant weekend, not studied, and still failed if I had known I was doomed to fail anyway?
Basically, I don't want my weekend to have been wasted in vain.
Hi, I'm Amanda and I over-analyze everything.
I've got so much to do it hurts a little.
Basically, I don't want my weekend to have been wasted in vain.
Hi, I'm Amanda and I over-analyze everything.
I've got so much to do it hurts a little.
- Technical Editing exam tomorrow that is going to break me either body or soul.
- Ren Lit essay midterm Wednesday. I have to prepare 2 outlines before hand.
- Reading Journal due Wednesday. This wouldn't be so bad if I actually had the time to finish the book.
- Internet quiz Wednesday
- Novel Paper (8-10 pages) due next Monday that I haven't even started on except the first paragraph.
- Children's Lit midterm next Tuesday
04 October 2008
This Is Love:
Just another reminder: you, citizen of the free world, have 2 days to register to vote!
If you've already registered: Absentee ballot! Pronto.
I mean... you can even register to vote while you poop, or so Sarah Silverman says...
03 October 2008
New Feature:
Thanks to the ability to look at other blogs I discovered blogspot has an option that allows you, yes you, to e-mail posts to other people. If you look down to the bottom right of this post you will see a little envelope. If you ever feel the need to pass a post along (oh please, oh please!) to someone who is not a faithful reader you now have the option to do so!
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