Of course, it doesn't help that I'm sick to death of dieting and trying to eat "right." I just want to have a freaking donut, ok?
Not, ok? Well, darn.
I talked to my trainer and she said I either needed to cut something out (I'd rather stab myself in the eye with a carrot) or up my cardio...looks like I'll be up-ing my cardio then.
A random thought: Has anyone ever noticed that the tea drinkers in their lives are always so mega thin? Now, I'm not talking about the crazy green tea pills and all that nonsense. I've just been wondering, is it the tea? Or, do tea drinkers just have healthier lifestyles aside from their beverage choices?
I'm inclined to switch out my coffee for tea...oh heck, maybe I am going to give up something else after all.

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I'm diggin' the lovin' keep it comin'