What caused this insanity?
Let me take you on a tour of our pantry, which I organized this weekend:
Two whole cartons of eggs. One for each of us? I don't even like eggs, but I feel that quiche is in my near future.
2.5 bags of rice for the next time I need to make sushi for 60.
Almost 3 pounds of confectioners sugar? Why? Maybe a leftover treat from last Thanksgiving? I'm not even sure what to do with this. Not even a little bit.
6 different types of drink mix. At least they are different, right?
And last, but not least, my favorite! In the event of zombie attack, just add butter. I swear that I am not Paula Dean, honest. I laughed out loud when my honey brought home the huge butter tub with the corresponding phrase: "I saw we were out of butter" and I laughed my way to the freezer and pulled out 2 small tubs and the opened one in the fridge to prove that we had butter the whole time.
And lest we forget the 7 deodorant sticks that I found living in a cottage under the sink when I organized in the bathroom...ok, 9 if you include my back-ups.
I love our crazy, I really do. And remember kiddies, when those zombies attack it's eggs, rice, sugar, drink mix, butter, and deodorant.

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I'm diggin' the lovin' keep it comin'