I'm having one of those types of days.
I hate rude people.
I hate when people take their frustrations out on others.
I especially hate when they bring that garbage to work.
And I hate how it rains on my parade.
It doesn't get any better because of the fact that I live in a city with very rude people. People who think that a little affluence makes them better than others or better than me. Mostly I feel this way at my retail job not my office gig. But today, it happened at my desk. They apologized for being rude, but the damage to my day was already done.
So dang it. I've got to get my smile on and look on the sunny side. There is a sunny side right? There just has to be. Cause I try so hard to be the ray of sunshine when everyone is a Debbie Downer. Happiness and peace ya'll. I really wish those were the things that made the world go round instead of money, greed, hate, and war.
So it starts with you and it starts with me. I won't let it get to me and I won't be rude back and I'll smile and take on the some of the stress that's making this person rude in the first place.

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I'm diggin' the lovin' keep it comin'