It isn't as crazy as it sounds since I've read a good bit of them. I just need a way to read structurally on my own schedule. I haven't been able to find a bookclub that's taking new members since we moved, so this is my book club: membership of one.
I fully intend to read my way through some of the most noteworthy litereary works of our time and let you know what I think, in no particular order. Yes, it would be more challenging to do them in order, but it might also get me depressed about this project.
Some books listed are actually series. Depending on how I like them I might do the whole series or just he first book.
And if you catch the bug to read them with me or just pass along a new favorite book, well, that would be delightful.
If only I could have you over for dinner, wine, and discussion.

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I'm diggin' the lovin' keep it comin'