Do you have any nervous habits that you just cannot break?
Mine is an inherited trait: tearing up my hands.
I don't bite my nails, but I will bite off the skin around my nails any time I get stressed out. Half the time I don't realize I'm doing it until I start bleeding. I really hate that I've always done it. My mother has done it her whole life too.
The only thing that helped me out was getting acrylic nails. I love those things! Not only do your nails look amazing, but getting to go to the "spa" for an hour every few weeks is relaxing. However, they really ruin your natural nails. I've been trying to grow out the damaged part of my nails and I'm half way there. It's also really hard to keep up with them with my crazy schedule...but I do miss them.
And why did I call this post My Green Thumb? Cause I have identical green band-aids on each thumb until my skin grows back.
But seriously, what are your bad habits. I want to know so I don't feel alone with my psychosis.

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I'm diggin' the lovin' keep it comin'