Ta da:
I completely stumbled across this gem while baby-sitting my unofficial god daughter, Little K this past weekend. I took a TON of pictures and most of them didn't turn out very well. I've now learned the importance of having someone else there while trying to photograph the little ones that wiggle-and-a-shake. K is 18 months so she does a lot of moving, everywhere, all at once, a thousand times before you've realized she's gone. However she is completely brilliant! What 18 month old do you know that can do the fist-bump greeting?
It's completely unedited and I'm completely in love with it. Might be a great gift for the parents this Christmas. Yes, indeed!
I just love her and how good Steven is with her. And I love when he tells me that I look sexy with a baby. I just love him...period.
Well, that certainly is a lot of cuteness and love for one post. In truth, I love that too! So go give some lovin' to the folks at this week's You Capture.
Please and thank you!

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I'm diggin' the lovin' keep it comin'