Steven passed along a comic to me that I thought was hilarious. He thought it described me...when, in fact, it has Ed Weathers written all over it. Mr. Weathers was my Technical Editing and Style teacher and he is beyond amazing. I've wanted to slip this comic under his door...but I'm not sure if he would get a kick out of it or think it was vulgar...I'll leave that up to you, especially if you know and love him like I do. Click onward to see the comic!

(I should also mention that's pretty much how he dresses...and's love.)
7 Remarks:
hahaha YES!! This is great!! Not sure about under the door, though.. lol.
hahaha, love!
well, i of course don't know this professor, but agree that this comic is hilarious!
Ah! I noticed an error in this comic...hum...
should there be a comma after 'yes'?
HA!! maybe that means that you're better than weathers then! hehe.
Well there definitely shouldn't be a space after the ellipses. I think the comma could go either way. Naw, I'm not better than Weathers. I just know he'd zero in on that, laughs.
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I'm diggin' the lovin' keep it comin'