Ugh! I found these super-duper cute tights on modcloth.com, they're also available in brown. I love how they look with a pair of boots.
Wouldn't you know that they're $30 bucks...sigh. I won't be getting them any time soon. However, I love them so I had to share.
Sorry that I've dropped off the planet. My winter break has been pretty boring. I work, I come home, I clean, I listen to Weezer, I go to bed.
Things should pick up again when school starts Tuesday since I use this blog to procrastinate.
3 Remarks:
Lol! Yes, procrastination has made for many a blog posts and facebook surfing.
And I LOVE those tights! So cute!
"since I use this blog to procrastinate"
LOL...u so crazeeee.
About those tights...I've seen people online who paint on stockings. Not sure how you do this if you don't have a nice leg form to put them on as you paint, but, if you can figure that part out...go buy a cheap pair of blue stockings and getta paintin! Sounds fun!
Oh! Painting on stockings...I'm intrigued by the idea of that. I'm not sure how I'd manage that without the leg form.
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I'm diggin' the lovin' keep it comin'