I spent my New Years watching Bridget Jones and going to bed early. My tummy hasn't been feeling too swell lately. Bridget Jones' Diary was rather appropriate for the evening since the whole premise of the movie is that she starts a diary for the New Year in order to fix some things in her life. Not only is her character based on Elizabeth Bennet in Pride and Prejudice (a personal favorite) but it's just down right hilarious and I relate to Bridget immensely.
To quote Bridget, her New Years resolutions were:
Resolution #1: uggg - will obviously lose 20 lbs. #2: always put last night's panties in the laundry basket. Equally important: will find nice sensible boyfriend and stop forming romantic attachments to any of the following: alcoholics, workoholics, sexaholics, commitment-phobics, peeping toms, megalomaniacs, emotional fuckwits, or perverts. Will especially stop fantasizing about a particular person who embodies all these things.
Now, I've got the guy thing in the bag, however, I think that numbers 1 and 2 could definitely be added to my expectations for the new year.
So, Amanda's New Year resolutions:
1- will obviously lose 20 pounds
2- make sure that yesterdays panties make it to the laundry basket
3- carry trash from my car when I make it
4- graduate
5- continue growing-out hair: do not cut it
6- add probiotics to my diet
7- take my vitamins regularly
8- find an adult job
9- buy a house
10- strengthen long-distance relationships
What are your goals for 2009? I wish you all the best in what is sure to be an interesting year ahead.
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I'm diggin' the lovin' keep it comin'