I've been going to the library every couple of weeks and it has definitely helped me do this project on the cheap.
I've got a few books in progress right now, such as:
Artemis Fowl-pretty cute little book. Since I've been listening to it on tape I've been thinking in an Irish accent for a few days (not even kidding). Such a beautiful cadence to their speech. Can we go to Ireland, please? Modern take on Fairies that's pretty cute and there is a spy element mixed with Sherlock Holmes that I'm really liking.
I'm also working on The Golden Compass. This is number 2 on the big list. Well, technically His Dark Materials is number 2, but that's actually the name of the whole series. With so many books to go, I'm not reading the whole series. At least, not yet anyway. I've tried to read this book before when the movie came out. I couldn't really get into it, but I actually saw the movie a month ago and it looked like something I could eventually get into. As I'm reading, I'm really just wondering when the polar bear is going to show up. When does that happen? Cause he seemed really cool!
Started into some Oliver Twist...and I'll have you know that the "please sir, I want some more" scene happens in the second chapter. So what the heck is supposed to happen in this book? No idea. I never had to read Dickens in college and that might be because I avoided him like the plague or professors thought his books were too long for a semester. We'll see how this goes, but I'll probably end up getting the CD of it. Maybe I should watch a BBC version of it so that I know what the blazes happens in this plot line. Poor kid, gruel, beatings...Les Miserable again but in a different country?
I'm really not sure what to read next. So if you go to my Good Reads page and see something that you've really loved and I haven't read it, I'd really appreciate a recommendation. It also seems like my comments might not be working. If that's the case for you, please hit up the facebook to let me know you pick.
S'il vous plait et merci!

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I'm diggin' the lovin' keep it comin'