I have had braces before, so I'm kind of bummed that I have to do it again. But the first go around was done by someone in the process of getting certified as an orthodontist, so my parents got a good price, but I got a crazy set of teeth. I also had permanent retainers, which I've always hated and the top set broke a few years ago. Because the wire was so close to my gum line, I was consulted by my regular dentist to keep it as it was. Over the years one of my front teeth has slowly drifted. I call it my snaggletooth.
See Nanny McPhee as exhibit A:
Then see my chipmunk face and the "snaggletooth." I know that it isn't that bad, but I'm super, duper, uber self-conscious about it! I've stopped smiling in pictures or taking a lot of pictures of myself, especially if my mouth is open. Not to mention, if you look really close...it has gotten so long I've chipped it a little on the end! Ugh.
It might be ridiculous, but the last time I went to the dentist I found out that the second tooth from the right has moved back so far that it hits my lower teeth when I bite, which is making it a little loose. No bueno. Since my biggest fear is losing my teeth, I freaked out and started saving up my pennies.
I'm so excited to start on this so that I can stop hiding from it. Cause you know behind all the gunk, Nanny McPhee is the ultra fabulous Emma Thompson...and I'd kill to look like that literary savvy diva! Just not as Professor Trelawney...
So here's to a straighter smile in about a year: Cheers!

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I'm diggin' the lovin' keep it comin'