It is also super convenient to be able to e-mail things to myself and get directions when I'm lost. When I told the guy at the verizon store I can hold a charge for about a day or two he looked at me like I was the luckiest person on the planet. Apparently, you can only expect to have a crappy battery life on a smartphone. Why? Yeah, I'm not really sure about that one, but I'm going to have to get used to it I guess.
So when we went into the store, I took a look around and came to the Droid Pro. Now, this may also be shocking since I swear up and down that I hate droids. Steven has the first model of the Droid and it's impossible for me to work. I normally end up throwing it while swearing profusely that they should make phones user-friendly. Yes, I know how old that makes me sound.
But then I got looking at this baby:
So there are some things that make it much better for me. Notice, the keyboard on the front. I don't like having to slide out a keyboard and rotate what I'm looking at. Too much motion gets me confused and this phone allows me to turn off auto-rotate (love). Second, it's lightweight. Third, and most importantly, you can actually get the touchscreen to respond. Shocker, I know.
And the best thing is that you can get so many free apps that you can actually find on your phone! The biggest problem I had with my blackberry was that applications and upgrades never seemed to show up, no matter how many times I shut it down and re-started the thing. Yes, that's why I haven't uploaded a picture to my facebook from my phone in over a year, because the upgrade never worked correctly. Lovely, no?
S got the new larger and improved Droid that he's currently trying to
An even better was buy a Droid and get any phone free. So once we mail in the rebates, my phone upgrade was free and S got the phone he has been drooling over.
So this means that I can keep in touch more. My new years resolution is to text more and to rely on technology to keep me organized and to go paperless as much as possible. Good goals and it feels great to actually have a goal this far in advance that has nothing to do with losing weight.
Love it!

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I'm diggin' the lovin' keep it comin'