I heard this song on my way home from work and it really sums up where my head's at right now.
It also made me remember how much of a bad-ass I thought I was when I listened to this CD in the 90's. Funny how the music in your formative years really stays with you. Can you also believe I was 8 when this came out?
Rock and Roll...that was complete contraband when I was 8. Dang. Smuggling banned books and music into my parent's house was the most exciting thing I did growing up. Ah, memories.
I didn't find Meredith Brooks until I was 13 and the song Bitch changed my life...not really, but once again, I felt completely bad-ass.
Both songs let you know that it's ok to be a walking contradiction and I believe we are all contradictions, if only a little bit or for a little while. For instance, I'm a "Hippie" that works for "The Man" if you want to break it down to black and white. Most days I don't know how I really feel about that, but it pays the bills. The most frustrating part is that I'm there to help people and support them so that they can do their jobs, but I'm stuck in the corporate limbo of what I can and cannot do, which produces a feeling of absolute impotence. By extension, that also really makes me want to pierce something or get a new tattoo because it feels so nice to see people in suits do a double take when they see my wrist tats. I know, I'm weird, but I don't make enough money to get so worked up over this stuff.
I'll just leave you with Bitch, in case you don't remember it, and I hope that it makes you feel the bad-assery of it all. Cause we all want to feel a little bit wicked sometimes, right?
Or I'm having a quarter-ish life crisis. Meh.

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I'm diggin' the lovin' keep it comin'