Going anywhere with our dog is almost the equivalent of taking a hyper kid to the zoo. He gets overstimulated in situations with a lot of people, cars, and smells. We have to go slow and we have to do a lot of warming up before we go anywhere. I normally take him for a long walk to wear him out before we get in the car. Once we're in the car he gets super excited because he loves the car and because he thinks we're going to Grandma's. Once he figures out that we aren't, he gets even more excited. Once we reach the store we have to do a few rounds in the parking lot so that he gets used to the noise and all the dog smells and everything. I normally try to get him to focus on me and come when I say his name...or really just to look at me if I talk to him. It's hard because he really wants to smell things.
So on his walk before we left, he was a champ. He walked the best on the leash then he has in a long time because I've basically stopped caring if he's right beside me. My dog is so big, we literally cannot walk abreast on the sidewalk. So, I let him go in front a little, if he doesn't pull it's a great walk. I was so proud of him. At Petsmart he got a little anxious at first, but I used the shopping cart to block his view of the people and other animals and he did really well. He'd get interested in something then we'd tell him to come along and he listened. Major big-boy steps here! I should also mention that my dog just turned one. He's the size of a house, but he is still just a puppy.
I've also mentioned his recent issues with his new food and his issues with food in general. My dog is an anorexic, mostly because he's too excited too eat. He has access to food all day, but he has always been underweight.
So in comes Ms. I'm-A-Trainer-Here. Ugh.
"Oh, is that a newfie! He's so cute! Have you done lessons with him?" (This whole trip to Petsmart is a lesson, in our opinion)....
"Yeah, we've looked into it."
"Oh, well you should definitely join one of my beginner classes, yada yada."
"Ok, we'll think about it."
"You know, he's really thin for a newfie."
"That's because he doesn't like food."
"What's he eating?"
"Insert the name of super expensive vet recommended food."
"Oh well that's crap, you should get him on holistic dog food."
"Sure, we'll look into it..."(not)
Now, this is the point where I'm getting a little sensitive about the subject because I have literally hand-fed my dog only for him to pretend to eat it and then hide it under furniture. I've mixed pumpkin, rice, chicken, chicken broth, dog food mixers, refrigerated dog sausage, etc. You name it and I have tried it. We've also been through several different types of dog food and the one we use is the one he will eat the most of.
"Oh, well you should mix in soft food with it so that he's interested in it."
Our vet has specifically told us not to use soft food. It upsets his stomach, like whoa. And there is nothing medically wrong with him that causes him not to eat, he just doesn't like to do it. He's weird. Meanwhile, Penelope has tried to eat his food, which is why my cats are obese and my dog is a toothpick.
So yeah, this condescending lady that has no idea about my dog's history with his weight and all the things I've tried to do and all the hours of sleep I've lost over it, comes in with her...oh, well you're really bad dog parents look...really?
Our convo goes on about all the bigger dogs she knows that have died so young (really?). And yes, I know that my dog will be lucky to make it to 10. I really don't want to think about that because I'd rather love him while I have him. And his hair is course because he's a freakin' water dog with a double coat, unlike your stupid Bernese Mountain dogs and oh I could just go on and on about how much this lady rubbed me the wrongest way possible... but I'll resist.
Instead of wondering around the store some more (and buying more) and really enjoying the fact that we were out in public with our dog and he was doing really well, we took our "crappy" expensive food and went home.
But, the night wasn't all bad. We stopped at Chick-Fil-A for dinner and he was a celebrity. I always forget how big my dog really is until other people react to him with "OMGEE, he's effin' huge! Is that a real dog?" (to which a guy responded "Well, he isn't battery operated"). He got two nuggets and a lot of pets from the lady at the drive-thru....ok everyone who worked there came out to the window to see him. He loved it and I love him and how awesome he is.
Screw you lady at the Petsmart, I definitely won't ever take him to you for lessons and after the debacle that was his first grooming experience there, I wonder why we ever go to Petsmart in the first place?

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I'm diggin' the lovin' keep it comin'