Work has been bringing me down lately because I've had to deal with some extremely rude people. More specifically, rude people who are in a customer service capacity. It's a personal pet peeve since I have work people-oriented jobs forever. Is being nice really that hard? Apparently it is.
I got off the phone with said person today and went directly to the company candie corn. Not good.
Anything fun you recommend to cool down at work? It took me the whole weekend to get over the crap from last week and it begins again.
Ugh, and just so you know, if you ever need to rent AV equipment in the DC area, let me know and I'll tell you who not to contact. I have to draft a letter to the head of our event hall to complain because it has absolutely, 100% been that bad.
How do you manage to do it all?

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I'm diggin' the lovin' keep it comin'