"My bride is here... because my equal is here, and my likeness" -Mr. Rochester to Jane (Ch. 23)I'm on my 50th book on the BBC list and I saved a really great one for this: Jane Eyre!
How come no one ever told me about this amazing story? When I started it, I instantly felt a pang in my heart that no one had read this book to me in my youth. It's just that good!
Jane and Rochester's love even rivals Darcy and Elizabeth. The main difference is that Rochester and Jane talk about every single passionate or dark emotion they have, where as Darcy and Elizabeth rarely talk about their feelings, but when they do you feel the gravity of them.
One thing I will say is that the Bronte sisters definitely know how to write "crazy." Although, I think that Emily's Heathcliff in Wuthering Heights definitely trumps Charlotte's Bertha, but it's a close one.
So if you haven't read it, let me sum it up for you:
Orphan, mean Aunt, puritan school, tuberculosis and typhoid, new order, governess, dark brooding man, suspicious maid, almost burned to death, fire-side chats, trick, bite marks, doctor fetched in the night, trip, mean Aunt dies, proposal, "apparition" of crazy lady, wedding, objection: "you're already married," crazy lady locked in mansion, gotta go,wait, you're my cousin, happy ending.
Love, love, love. I've busted out 4 more books since I finished Jane, so that brings my total to 54 of 200. I also finally finished all the Roald Dahl books on the list and I'm very happy to be done with those as great as they were!
If you're looking for another suggestion, I highly recommend A Town Like Alice: SO GOOD!

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I'm diggin' the lovin' keep it comin'