So here you go, more pictures of my teeth!
In other nerdy things/events, I ordered my first pair of glasses. I would have gotten them yesterday but they had trouble getting the lenses into the frames correctly and then ran out of they had to have more lenses over-nighted. I wasn't too bummed because they upgraded my lenses for no extra charge and then gave me lens cleaner for my wait. Since I'm pretty laid back it was no big deal. I did almost 2 hours of window shopping, got a pretzel, and had a text-a-thon with my best friend. All in all, that's a pretty decent evening. I hope that I can pick them up tomorrow after work before Mr. S and I go out to celebrate V-day.
I guess I should also shave my legs tomorrow. Isn't it funny how that's your main concern when you've been together for so long? We aren't doing gifts, so it's mostly just an excuse for a nice dinner.
Anyroad, I'll post some pictures of the glasses once I get them. Glasses and "braces" has been a big year for me.

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I'm diggin' the lovin' keep it comin'