As these things always go, I was on Etsy (If you have never been to this amazing website, go now. Go now and waste an hour or two looking at handmade or vintage goodness).
And I came across this bracelet at thecottagepath made of spoons from 1915 with a Bridal Wreath pattern:
And I said to myself, "that is the perfect 'something old' for a wedding." And I showed it to Mr. S, who didn't seem the least bit freaked out about me buying something for a wedding (seriously, what has happened to this man? Have I finally beaten him into compliance? I jest.).
And so as not to feel too weird about this purchase (and it's only $1 to ship a second item from the same vendor), I also got a necklace made with the charter oak pattern for everyday use/eating:
I dunno why I like this silverware so much. Maybe it's the ornateness, but I really like that people are re-purposing them as jewelry. I blame my best friend, who bought me a spoon cuff back from Berlin this summer, for lighting a spark of inspiration.

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I'm diggin' the lovin' keep it comin'