09 September 2011


Isn't it funny how your life gets in the way of your blog about your life?

I've been doing a heap ton of projects and "fun" reading this summer that the relevancy of updating my blog has completely slipped my mind...and I feel bad to have to go back a few months to go over it all. So in my guilt, I just don't post or I half write posts and never publish them.  For instance, I have a magnum opus locked in my arsenal from an occasion where a viking asked me why girls love Pride and Prejudice.  Really, it should probably be turned into an article or a formal essay, but I might just pull out the stops for you all.  Really, it's amazingly nerdy.

While I've been whiling away the remnants of my summer and being blissfully ignorant of my blog, I was suddenly blindsided by a request that I update my blog...from someone I would not in a million years have thought knew my blog existed.  Every time this happens, I'm always taken aback and very grateful, but always guilty that my blog is lacking so much of its "muchness."

So my wonderful friends, a brilliant idea popped into my head...concerning facebook.  I'm sure a lot of you are like me and live on the FB most of the time.  I have a few friends who can't figure out how to comment using blogger (tutorial needed?) and will tell me something on facebook.  Many folks may not have me in a blog-feed so they aren't aware that I've updated.

There are so many reasons and they all boil down to "I need a page to be able to have another way to communicate with people because I really have no idea who really reads this or cares and I just need to know someone cares...damn it"

So...go add Ms. Domestique on facebook (two of you already jumped the gun on that--Thank you!).

Ms. Domestique on Facebook
 I'm really looking forward to being able to link to post on there without everyone I knew in highschool stalking me (pseudonyms are fantastic things), being able to conduct polls/gauge how the website is functioning, and you won't miss posts.  I've changed the homepage of Ms. Domestique to only show one post at a time since I tend to, shall we say, ramble and that makes me have to scroll to find my favorite blogs at the bottom.  Since I also tend to post a lot all at once, with only one post showing something is going to fall through the cracks.  I know, I need a posting schedule, but sometimes you can't control when the muse descends.

So please do me the honor, nay the condescension of your "like" on Facebook and I will try to be more interesting.

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I'm diggin' the lovin' keep it comin'

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