My goodness, I've been obnoxiously domestic this weekend! Not that I'm complaining--at all. I mentioned yesterday that I'd dipped my toes into homemade dog treats and I doubt I'll be able to buy him treats ever again. I'm ok with this since Petsmart isn't really that close or cheap or big enough.
Mr. Puppy has been following me around begging for these bars all morning! He came back for seconds, thirds, and fourths before I finally cut him off.
I found the recipe here:
Homemade Dog Treat Recipe
Newf Breakfast Bars
12 c. oatmeal
4 c. whole wheat flour
>8 eggs
3/4 c. oil
2/3 c. honey
1/2 c. molasses
2 c. milk
1 large can solid pack pumpkin (optional)
3 to 4 mashed bananas (optional)
Preheat oven to 325. Grease 2 cookie sheets
Dump everything into a VERY large bowl. Mix this whole mess together (I use my hands, AFTER I take my rings off, another story), pat onto greased cookie sheets & bake at 325 for 1 hour. After 1 hour turn oven off, crack oven door & allow cookies to cool in oven. Break into whatever size you want (mine like LARGE).
These freeze really well. My guys love these, they sit in front of the oven waiting.
This recipe does make an extremely large amount of bars...I filled up 2 gallon zip-lock baggies to give you an idea of the quantity. I'm going to freeze the rest since there aren't any preservatives in these puppies.
Doggie "ice cream" might be in my future soon too. Have you met a more spoiled dog then my newfster?
I didn't think so.

3 Remarks:
i bet peanut butter would be great in those. is he a fan of pb treats?
Is the summer hot? I've been putting peanut butter in his smaller store-bought treats to use them up. I also give him the jar when it's almost gone. He loves it and it keeps him occupied for hours!
We have a 10 1/2 month old Newfoundland named Jemima Jane so it was exciting to check into your blog and see your handsome guy. I think Jemima would love the treats you made since she's a pumkin fan. Tell your puppy that Jemima just might be checking in when I do just to see his handsome face!
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I'm diggin' the lovin' keep it comin'