I started my challenge yesterday morning by packing a huge lunchbox of healthy snacks and skipping the coffee. I had a headache all day yesterday and I couldn't figure out if it was my insane allergies or if I was having withdrawals from not having my one soy latte in the morning (I''m lactose and alcohol intolerant, by-the-by). For the most part, I'm really not a coffee drinker. However, today no headache, so I'm leaning more towards allergies. Although, I wasn't as groggy this morning without the coffee, so I'm stoked about that.
Whenever I'm eating a lot more fruits and veggies I always feel like I'm a little rabbit because I'm literally eating all day! Or it feels like that since I'm eating little bits at least every 2 hours, whereas I normally I would eat larger meals spread very far apart (4-5 hours). It's challenging for me to eat the smaller portions because I don't feel like I'm as productive. I feel like I'm spending most of my time fixating on food and my next little snack. With that said, I feel a lot lighter throughout the day because I'm really only eating a little bit at a time and not gorging myself because I've gone 4-5 hours without food and I'm starving. It takes a lot more planning, but it pays off. Today I didn't feel like I was "starving" the entire day, which is good and I felt like I had more energy in the morning and maybe even now.
I had a big test of will-power today since there was a pizza party at work--with cookies! Oh goodness...Normally I like when work provides food because I can get something quick and free and then I can work through lunch and leave earlier. But, I knew if I had pizza and then smuggled cookies to my office I would feel so guilty and sick that I'd get mad with myself. So instead of perpetuating a guilt cycle, I went to Trader Joe's to pick up a salad. Bad idea! Normally when I go to TJ's I'm to the salad aisle and out the door. Today, I literally noticed every cake, every cookie, every pie, every dessert--they were screaming for me! I just kept telling myself: "I packed strawberries for lunch, I packed strawberries for lunch, I packed strawberries for lunch." I made it out of there alive with a great blackbean salad, but that was tough. The strawberries were delicious and I felt good about not taking home the sweets.
So far so good, but I fully anticipate the cravings for sugar to get stronger as the week goes on with a slight chance of headaches. I'm not sure if I'll be able to tell if the headaches are from sugar withdrawals or my allergies because I have to discontinue all use of allergy medications for the next 3 days to get them out of my system before an appointment with an allergist next Monday. Oh, I'm going to be such a hot mess, but I'm hoping to start immunization shots! (I'm not sure why I'm so freakishly happy about that, but I am.)
Alright, off to go wash the dog. He's barking up a storm in the backyard (and probably annoying the who-hey out of the neighbors). I really hate when Mr. Boyfriend leaves him in the yard after lunch because there's nothing but mud for me to clean when I get home and that's just what I want after a long day at work. Got to love those furr-babies...
How is everyone else doing? Any cooking adventures this early in?

2 Remarks:
Well, I'm not doing the detox with you (kudos for being able to stick with it!), but as for cooking adventures, I did make some delectable lentil burger yesterday, that are an awful lot like my black bean burgers.. Would that sort of thing fit in with your program?
Yes! and Yum! I've got all the ingredients for your black bean burgers. I'll probably make them sometime this week. Yum!
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I'm diggin' the lovin' keep it comin'