I've always liked to work out once I get used to it and I feel great! I've got muscles I didn't know it was possible to even get and I can go for days. One week before a weigh-in, I did an hour of spin before our hour workout and after that I went to town to run errands, and I was still too buzzed to sleep. I love all the energy.
I'm back into my 12's which are now almost loose. Go figure. I'm back to where I was when I graduated from college and more so. After our move I got super depressed and ate and ate and ate and ate. It didn't help that Steven and I ate out all the time. We've completely stopped eating out and it's reflected in our waistlines and pocketbooks...eating out is incredibly expensive. Go figure. It also feels like we're more of a family since we take time to at least have lunch together. I still entertain the idea that we will have dinner together every night once I finally leave retail. I guess that means I'll need some recipes soon. Oh, domestic felicity!
The hardest part is trying to keep my food journal. It does help keep me in line, but it's a complete pain to remember to fill it out. For the most part I've given up all sodas. I have about 1 diet soda a week. That has been the hardest part since I love, and I mean love, love it so much I'd marry it, diet soda. The trainers explanation was that the fake sugars can actually convince your body it's real sugar and therefore it will make you hungrier...and I know, soda is the devil. It's a painful process...an exorcism really.
I've lost a lot of inches everywhere except on my arms...those have gained a ton of muscle. Even in my forearms...I wasn't aware that women could have muscle there, but apparently we can. I told my trainer I'd bulk up a lot if we did a lot of muscle training, and I have, but the muscle will burn the fat. However, I'm starting to think that I'm getting too much arm muscle because I can't find shirts that fit in the arms. I've been getting into smalls and tight mediums, but only if the armholes are big enough. It's frustrating...but I do really like the guns...I show them off...a lot. In fact, I like to show off a lot of things now. Just the other day I started a conversation with a friend off by stating: "By the way, my ass looks amazing, just thought you should know." Really, I did. Maybe that makes me vain or whatever, but I've been a fattie for a long time and I really enjoy not being so big. It's a mood booster and I just want to get everyone working out with me.
By next week I hope to have gone down into the next weight bracket, aka to have lost 10 pounds total. The program ends in 2 weeks, but they will be doing another thing in between the next 8 week challenge. I'm determined to keep losing weight. Determined I tell you!
And don't worry, I'll soon be selling tickets to the gun show. :D

3 Remarks:
i miss working out so much! i haven't have time in what seems like forever.. :'(
Awe, well you'll be active enough once you get to Europe...and the food is a crap-ton healthier...although I'm not all that sure about if you start trying traditional foods like German sausages and lots of Italian food...but I'm inclined to believe that even that's better. :D I wish I was going! Poo.
yeah, we'll be soooo active once we get there! the first night the group is all there (which is actually a few days after we get there..) we're hiking up a small mountain or something.
and the food? i can't wait! we talked about it in one of the pre-trip seminars.. nom.
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I'm diggin' the lovin' keep it comin'