My little Oliver had quite a day today.
I have never had a cat who loves to scratch so much. Furniture, mattress, headboard, Steven, everything. He mostly does it when he feels he isn't getting enough attention. A friend at work recommended that I try soft claws because she uses them for her cats. I picked up some at Petsmart today for $5 (normally $21) because the Halloween ones were on sale.
We started off by trimming his nails which he HATES! We have to wrap him in a towel while Steven holds him down and I clip because the sound of the clippers scares him. He's so strong that I can't do it by myself anymore. He raised hell about that and then after that I had to glue these things on him using the same glue humans use for fake nails. That's basically what he has on now, black fake nails.
He cried and himmed and hawed and when we were done I just had to cry. I hate when he gets upset, but he needs to learn to stop attacking Steven and my furniture. So far he seems to be doing really well with them. He can't latch on to anything. They will stay on for 4-8 weeks and then we will have to do this again. I'm going to start doing foot exercises with him.
My poor boy... I got him a new toy today too and gave it to him after the ordeal and he went right to playing. It's a cow-print wrestling toy filled with catnip (he loves to wrestle). I know he won't be mad for long.
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I'm diggin' the lovin' keep it comin'