I'm so anxious/excited to move. Completely want to move. Would move this second if I could. I haven't actually been to my apartment in a month except to get supplies and mail. I've been sleeping on a blow-up mattress in my boyfriends room during that month. Why? Because my roommate turned out to be insane and my parents fear for my safety, as do I, so I'm on orders not to stay there or go there without someone with me. The little house that Amanda built has crumbled. I haven't seen my stuff, I'm paying rent for this place, and utilities, and I'm really going nuts. Freaking loosing my mind. And all this time, she is using my stuff cause the whole apartment is furnished with my things. Doesn't seem very fair does it?
But I'm happy living on a blow-up mattress with my boyfriend. I really don't think about my living situation much until bills roll around, which means there will have to be some sort of contact. And that terrifies me. I moved out because she flat out refused to respect my request to be left alone and to communicate only about bills on our message board. Flat out refused to the point of harassment. I was harassed, but you can't get a restraining order against someone you live with.
What a pity.
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I'm diggin' the lovin' keep it comin'