I'm really loving being at home more. So far, I've been able to cook dinner for Mr. S, keep up with the dishes, go grocery shopping on a semi-regular basis, vacuum like a crazy lady, finish painting our bedroom, keep up with the laundry, clean out our smallest room (as much as I can since it's still housing a 10 ft ladder), and spend last night in a vegetable state in front of the TV.
Spending time in front of the TV watching You're Cut Off (horrible show) tells me that I need to expand my projects. Especially since Mr. S's extended family will be in town in 3 weeks. EEP!
To-Do List:
- Measure for and order new blinds. Won't the house look nice from the outside when you won't be able to see my curtains? And won't it be nice to not have to worry about the neighbors getting a peep show? Indeed!
- Mulch in the backyard and in the hydrangeas...possibly move the hydrangeas too...sorry hubs...
- Plant around AC unit
- Weed, whack, and mow the yard.
- Paint the kitchen, living room, and stairways
- Hang new rods and curtains in basement
- Sand, prime, paint, trim out the room in the basement.
- Hang mirror in living room
- Buy area rugs for first floor/living room
Since I've bored you with my monotonous list, here is something cute: Mila's Daydreams. Check out that creative mothering! Love it.

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I'm diggin' the lovin' keep it comin'