Well, balls.
I've always thought I'd break down crying when I got pulled over. However, I kept it together. Yes, sir. Thank you, sir. Have a nice day, sir. I blame my retail conditioning.
I keep trying to comfort myself by repeating that I was going under what I thought the speed limit was: 45. Not the 25 mph it turned out to be. My bad.
Looks like vacation, braces, and this rug might have to go on the back burner for a while until I pay off my damage. I'm not even thinking about if I'll need to take a driving improvement class. Oh help! Those take up an entire Saturday. I only know this from my car accident when I was 17. Legally, they claim it was my fault, but I will go to my grave professing the laws of cause and effect (soap box).
Isn't it always when this happens that you start thinking...I should have gone back to work for my cell phone or gone out to dinner with the gals (which must be arranged) or I should have been anywhere but driving home to spend a boring night on the couch.

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I'm diggin' the lovin' keep it comin'