
Bramston P. Puppy is our 1 year old Newfoundland. He is a mess: literally. I've never cleaned up more accidents in my life then when we decided to get a dog. I've only had cats, so getting a dog was an adventure.

We agonized for a year over the breed we wanted and decided to go with the Newfie because they are mellow, easy to train (so the experts say) and great with kids.

One day he will be a gentle giant: a gentle giant that drools, a lot, but right now his heart's as big as he is.

Oliver Linux is our 3 year old Maine Coon.  I found him on craigslist, of all places, and picked him up out of a mini-van.  He came from "shady" origins, but he has been a great buddy when cuddles were needed.

He chirps like a bird whenever he jumps and loves to flit about the house crazy-style.

Wide-eyed and curious, he has the biggest heart, and the biggest belly, of the bunch.  All in all he has never met a person, animal, or kibble he didn't like...except maybe Bramston three days out of the week.

Penelope is our old lady.  She's sassy, yells at the kids on the lawn, has bad hips when it gets cold, and owns every comfy surface in the house.  We wouldn't have it any other way (OK, there could be less yelling).

As you can see, she graces us mere mortals with her presence.  She has a 6th "cardboard box" sense and is capable of knowing when a new box has entered the house within a 3 floor radius. 

Penelope has more nicknames than one pet should: Penny, Penny-loo-who, Penny Poos, Mrs. Poops, Miss Poo-poo pants, Peenell, P-cat, Penne-lope (like antelope), spider cat, etc...and so it goes.

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